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Results for "keyword: "spirituality""
Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu translated by Derek Lin on the permanence and strength of spirituality.
Centuries of Holiness Richard Valantasis on the importance of including playfulness in structuring a spiritual manner of living.
366 Celt Carl McColman on devotional spirituality involving making a deep commitment to honor or worship or venerate the object of faith.
The Bridge to Forgiveness Karyn D. Kedar with a poem about the spiritual path of forgiveness.
Spirituality and the Secular Quest Looks at the quest to find meaning and transcendence within daily experiences.
Meditations for People in Crisis Demonstrates the art of discerning spiritual meaning in everything.
The Common Vision Emphasizes the need for adults to be curators of the souls of children.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mary Magdalene A top-notch compilation of material and resources on the multidimensional life and legacy of Mary Magdalene.
The Spiritual Life of Children Advises adults to seriously listen to the views of children.
Rainbow Tribe Ed McGaa on how we are all related to each other.